Password Generator XP (ver 1.5) Abandoned Freeware Password Generator XP allows you to generate any quantity of passwords with one mouse click. The program can generate passwords based on several user defined criteria. There are options to specify the length of the passwords, include or exclude numbers, special characters, custom characters, upper/lower case, and more. Each time you generate a set of passwords, they are appended to the list. This allows you to create passwords of different types and length and export them all as a single list. - Generate passwords 1-99 symbols in length. - Generate from one to 100K passwords at one mouse click. - All passwords are unique among one program session (until you restart the program). - Exclude dubious symbols (!, 1, I, l, O, 0, o, ^, comma, dot). - Include special symbols (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), comma, dot, =, +, <, >) into the password. - Compose password using only symbols you listed in the 'other symbols' field. - Condition the password pronouncing by adding vowels using special algorithms. - Ability to test passwords. - Ability to save to the text file, or to copy to the clipboard, one password or a password list.