Marble-Qt (ver 1.5.0) Freeware Marble-Qt is a geographical atlas and a virtual globe. You can use Marble to look up places, to easily create maps, measure distances, and to retrieve detailed information about locations. It is an Open Source equivalent to "Google Earth". Marble-Qt comes with several map views, including: Atlas OpenStreetMap ( Satellite View Earth at Night Historical Map 1689 Moon Plain Map Precipitation (December & July) Temperature (December & July) file = NOTE: This is the last Win2k version. ---------- Marble-Qt can install additional maps. You have to extract these files into Marble's maps directory. On Windows this is data/maps in your Marble installation. Note that many more maps are available for Marble, although these will be sufficient for the majority of Marble users. Historical Map 1720 = Historical world map from the year 1720. The map shows nautical exploration routes. Version: 0.1 Historical Map 1786 = Historical world map from the year 1786. Version: 0.1 Moon - Elevation = Color-coded elevation data of the Moon. Version: 0.2 Moon - Shaded Relief = Shaded Relief or "Hillshade" Topographic Map of the moon. Version: 0.2 Mars = Mars in natural colors based on Viking material. Version: 0.3 Venus = Venus shown without its permanent cloudcover based on Magellan radar data. Version: 0.2