The Gopher protocol (Gopher) is a protocol designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents. Gopher provides the linking and labeling cababilities of HTTP, with the structured heirarchy of FTP, which makes it an outstanding protocol for use by media archive libraries to disseminate their collections. Gopher is typically accessed through a dedicated Gopher client, although it can also be acessed through TeleNet, or with a decreasing number of Browsers that understand the URI "gopher://". Like with HTTP (Google, Bing, etc.), Gopher also has a way of creating a database of server URLs using a Gopher Search Engine called Veronica. Below are addresses to various free public access Gopher servers, listed by country.
[IANA Port assignment = 70]

Public Gopher Servers - (listed by country)

Note: The Win2k Internet Explorer 6 Browser can be modified to access Gopher URLs directly, by creating a Windows Registry Key as follows:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] "EnableGopher" =dword: 00000001