War FTP Daemon (ver 1.82-00-RC13) Abandoned Freeware File Transfer Protocol -> This is a popular FTP server for Windows 2000. The author states that there are no backdoors, known viruses or known security exploits in any of his packages, when they are released. If serious exploits are found, they are immediately fixed, and a new version released. This software was once endorsed by Microsoft. UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- First run the installer for version RC11 (file = warftpd-1-82-00-RC11-i386.zip). After install completes; Start, then Stop, the Server. Next, go to the location where you installed War FTP, delete the "war-ftpd.exe" file, and replace it with the upgrade for version RC13 (file = war-ftpd-1-82-RC13-update.zip). NOTE: This is the last Win2k version. A version 1.83 was released just before the project was abandoned, however it requires installing Visual Studio 2012 Express C++ runtime dll's from Microsoft (which Microsoft designed to be unusable under Windows 2000). Other than the change to Visual Studio, the new version is virtually identical to the Win2k compatible version offered here, and in fact difficulties arising from the change is what prompted the projects abandonment.