This Text File was downloaded from the EMWAC FTP server. It was published in 1996. ======================================================== This message is to announce the availability of a new version of the WAIS server for Windows NT. The server (called WAISS) is at beta-test level 0.2. It runs as an NT "service". The server is available from in directory pub/waiss. Versions for the Intel and Digital Alpha processors are available. You will also need the WAIS Toolkit in pub/waistool. The source of the WAIS Toolkit, which is based on freeWAIS 0.202, is also available in that directory. This server has been developed as part of the EMWAC project by Shangjie Jin and Chris Adie. New features in version 0.3 =========================== * Bug fixed: if client goes away while server is in recv(), the thread gets stuck for ever. * Limits the length of text which can be typed into the edit controls in the control panel applet. * WAISS command-line syntax formally documented. Features ======== * WAIS Server runs as a Windows NT Service, so that it keeps going even when there's no-one logged in to the machine. * Port of freeWAIS 0.202. * WAIS Toolkit also required. * Handles multiple simultaneous connections using multiple threads and multiple search processes. * Available for DEC Alpha, MIPS and Intel architectures. * WAIS search log written to text file. New file created every day. Log file location is configurable. * Logs errors using the Windows NT Event Logger. * Configuration through the Control Panel, with configuration information stored in the Registry. * Special -ipaddress option to help identify mis-configured TCP/IP software. The European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre (EMWAC) has been set up to support and act as a focus for Windows NT within academia. It is sponsored by Datalink Computers, Digital, Microsoft, Research Machines, Sequent and the University of Edinburgh EMWAC Computing Services gopher and ftp: 30-38 George Square www: Edinburgh EH8 9LJ Tel : +44 31 650 6565 UK Fax : +44 31 650 6464