Get Window Text (ver 4.31) Freeware Get Window Text is an extremely useful applet that allows you to copy text from portions of a window that Microsoft Windows will normally not allow you to copy. For example, you can now copy the information fields from the Control Panel SYSTEM dialog box. You can also copy the title and othe labels from any dialog box. Most useful of all, Get Window Text even copies all the folder and file names from an Explorer directory window. The program does not require installation. Just place the executable file in a directory of your choice and launch the EXE. To use, click on the icon in the programs dialog window with the left mouse button, then drag the mouse over to the information you want to copy. The text will appear in a field in the programs dialog box, which you can then cut and paste into any other program (such as a word processor). Caution: The program creates a file "GetWindowText.ini" in the directory you keep the program executable file.