Exifer (ver 2.1.5 build263) Abandoned Freeware Exifer is now fully freeware (you no longer have to send the author a postcard). With Exifer you can manage the metadata (EXIF/IPTC) of pictures taken by digital cameras. Because many image processing software destroys this metadata when saving such files, the idea was to create a backup of the metadata before editing it in any software, and then, after that to restore it back into the processed file. With Exifer you can do this very easily. Features: Supports EXIF (up to 2.2) and IPTC data in JPEG and TIFF files Reading and displaying of makernotes by Canon, Casio, Fuji, Minolta, Nikon and Olympus Backing up, restoring and comparing metadata (EXIF/IPTC) Editing of metadata (for JPEG files only) Inserting EXIF data from THM files (for JPEG files only) Creating/inserting/rotating EXIF thumbnails (for JPEG files only) Customizeable view of metadata Export/import of metadata (CSV, Canto Cumulus, descript.ion files) Renaming and redating with various formats Lossless rotation (for JPEG files only) Cropping (with aspect ratio) Watermarks Slideshow