Flash Player (ver 10.1r102.64) Abandoned Freeware The Adobe Flash Player is available here in three forms: An Internet Explorer plugin, a FireFox (and similar browsers) plugin, and a Standalone version that will play Flash (*.flv) files outside of a browser. Internet Explorer = flashplayer10_1r102_64_winax.zip FireFox = flashplayer10_1r102_64_win.zip Standalone = flashplayer10_1r102_64_win_sa.zip Note: This is the LAST VERSION that was designed to be compatible with the Windows 2000 operating system. TIP: FireFox will constantly post a message saying "Some plugins used by this page are out of date.". To stop this message from appearing, open the firefox browser and type in the address bar "about:config". If you receive a warning message about voiding your warantee, just ignore it and say you will be careful. Now scroll down the page to "plugins.hide_infobar_for_outdated_plugin". Double-click on the line, which will change the setting from "false" to "true". Close the window, and the messages about your plugins being out-of-date will now stop appearing. ---------- Although not officially supported, the newer versions of Adobe Flash are actually fully compatible with Win2k. It is only the installer that has been modified (in an attempt to force you to abandondon Win2k in favor of XP???) so that setup won't run on Win2k. It turns out though that the programmers goofed slightly, and they used the older installer parameters for the non-IE version of Flash As such, I am including a copy which installs and runs fine under Win2k with Firefox. file = flashplayer11_1r102_55_win_32bit.zip