The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an email sending protocol. Due to abuses by spammers, SMTP servers are now almost never open relays. Most ISPs however allow unregistered access to their own SMTP servers when connecting from one of their own WAN IP addresses (the Email system allows you to send from a server that differs from your receiving server). SMTP uses the URI "mailto:", which is supported by most Browsers. Below are addresses of publicly open SMTP servers on which registered access is freely given (please be aware that each host has their own method of registration). Addresses last verified: April 2012.
[IANA Port assignment = 25]

Public SNTP Servers


The Postoffice Protocol (POP) is an email receiving protocol. Although simpler than the newer IMAP email receiving protocol (a POP server only acts as a "dumb" storage container), POP continues to garner greater support. Email on a POP server does not have to be read online, and can be downloaded (or even Faxed) singly or in bulk for later reading. POP uses the URI "pop://". Below are addresses of publicly open POP servers on which registered access is freely given (please be aware that each host has their own method of registration). Addresses last verified: April 2012.
[IANA Port assignment = 110]

Public POP Servers


The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is an email receiving protocol. It is similar to the POP email receiving protocol, but adds additional mailbox sharing and message sorting capabilities. IMAP uses the URI "imap://". Below are addresses of publicly open IMAP servers on which registered access is freely given (please be aware that each host has their own method of registration). Addresses last verified: April 2012.
[IANA Port assignment = 143]

Public IMAP Servers


The Listing Service Distribute protocol (Distribute) handles interactive forums that communicate using email messages. You must have a valid email address to participate, and although you do not need the ability to send email, you must be able to receive. Distribute differs from regular bulk emailings, in that if you want to send a group message, you do not have to know all of the email addresses for the recipients. You simply mail the Distribute server and the server handles distribution to everyone signed up for the mailing list (this helps to insure privacy, as while the server administrator knows of your existence, the forum members who do not send messages are invisible to other members in the forum). The vast majority of distribution lists are administered by L-Soft, and so the protocol itself is often referred to as "ListServ". Below are active links to services that track public Distribute mailing lists that you can join.

Public Distribute Aggregating Services